Safety Planning

What is safety planning?

A safety plan is for you and your children in case you need to get out quickly to increase your safety. As you know your situation better than anyone your plan will be unique to you, you may need to change your plan as your situation changes. You can ask for help in formulating your plan by asking a support person to assist you.

It is a good idea to have an emergency bag packed with important documents and some personal items, it is wise to have this located in the car or somewhere not easily found by the perpetrator, but very accessible should you need to get out fast. If you are in danger call 000. If you need accommodation call the DV Line on 1800 65 64 63 – service is available 24/7.

  • Make sure all your windows and doors are locked. You can get stick of dowel from Bunnings to put in sliding windows to prevent them from being slid open and you can have them open a little.
  • Does he have a key? Consider changing the locks.
  • Keep your keys in a different place than you normally would so if you keep them at the front door change that to somewhere else. Once you have changed the place always keep the keys in a place you can find them.
  • Install sensor lights, or consider keeping the front door light on for a few days.
  • Let your neighbours know if you are friendly with them to call the police on your behalf if they hear anything.
  • Let people know your whereabouts, if you have a friend at work text them when you leave work so they know where you are. Also have a plan around leaving work.
  • Consider parking in another place if he knows where you park and consider driving an alternate route to work.
  • If you think you are being followed call the police, or drive to the police station.
  • Reverse your car into the drive, so it’s quicker to drive out if needed.
  • Always keep your phone on you and charged, if your battery isn’t reliable get a cheap power bank charger from Kmart or online.
  • Let the people who care for your children or school know what is happening, they may be able to stall your partner or other family if they go to pick up the children. Also they are the first people to see your children on a Monday after a weekend with their Dad.
  • Consider having a safe word with the children, so your partner cannot state you have told him to collect the children.
  • Consider having a safe word or sentence with a friend or family member, so they can call the police for you. Download ‘Daisy’ App from 1800RESPECT website or another safety app
  • Have a plan to get out and where you might go and what that might look like. So for example if I am in my bedroom where is the nearest exit.
  • Have an emergency bag packed for you and the children.
  • If an argument erupts in the kitchen try and move yourself to a safer room, where there are less weapons.
  • Teach the children when and how to call 000. Discuss with them where to go and what to do in an emergency. Don’t always assume they are asleep and can’t hear what’s happening, these sounds can be most terrifying to children.
  • If possible, know where all your important documents are, so you can take them if you are leaving in a hurry. See ‘checklist’ below for details.
  • If you have nowhere to stay call the DV hotline 1800 656 463 for temporary accommodation.
  • Turn off the location device on your mobile.
  • Turn your Bluetooth off and set your phone to hidden.
  • Turn off your location on Snap chat
  • Avoid checking into places and be careful of status updates on social media. Even if he is not a “friend” or you have blocked him, he may be able to find out where you are.
  • Remove the history from your browser, so if you’re searching for accommodation etc. they can’t see it.
  • Change your passwords on your email, Facebook etc.
  • Consider starting up a new email account for legal correspondence.
  • Do you have your own bank account? If not can you set one up?
  • Do you have your mobile phone in your name? If not, can you change it over to your name?
  • Keep an email or paper list of important numbers somewhere safe in case he damages your phone or you lose it.
  • Turn your webcam off and cover up the camera on your computer.
  • Driver’s license
  • Passports for you and the children.
  • Other important papers such as marriage certificate, divorce certificate, birth certificates for you and the children. Citizenship papers, Visa’s etc.
  • Centrelink information
  • Immigration documentation
  • Any family court documentation.
  • A copy of your ADVO.
  • Phone charger
  • Legal papers for your home, rental or any other big purchases you still have loans on.
  • An email copy or a paper copy of important numbers or phone contacts you don’t want to lose.
  • Your child’s favorite teddy or comforter.
  • Personal items which have special value or meaning to you, such as photos, jewelry, or anything you fear being lost or destroyed.
  • A few clothes and personal hygiene items for you and your children.
  • Medications/prescriptions

For more information visit this link


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