How we can help
Does any of the following apply to you?
- Are you having trouble paying your bills and your rent?
- Are you worried you will be evicted?
- Are you couch surfing and can no longer do this?
- Are you frightened to go home?
- Are you sleeping in your car, in a park, or worried about not having a safe place to sleep?
If any of these apply to you, feel free to drop in to our office between 9-5pm, or call to make an appointment with one of our lovely Caseworkers. If you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander identity or from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background, we will work with you respectfully in making sure your needs are met.
How does it work?
We will step you through the process
- Step 1: Contact us
- Phone or use the contact page (here)
- We also receive referrals from other services you may be working with such as:
- Department of Communities and Justice
- Housing
- Child Protection
- Corrective Services
- Other Community Organisations
- Mental Health
- Drug and Alcohol
- Health organisations
- Cultural organisations
- Book in an appointment on 02 6297 5827
- Step 2: Meet us
- Meet the case worker who will gain an understanding of your situation to look at all factors contributing to your homelessness
- A plan is developed based on your goals and what you would like to see happen
- Step 3: Work with us
- We can connect with other services needed to support you such as Housing or Mental Health services
- Work together with your case manager
- Step 4: Outcome
- Although it may take time to find appropriate accommodation, our team will assist you to build or regain confidence in solving your own needs
Give us a call, or leave a message on the Contact us page or drop in and we will make an appointment to chat with one of our case workers. We will be able to give you more information about our service, and discuss what is suitable to your needs.
Our Team have an excellent understanding of the housing options within or outside of our region and can offer assistance out of homelessness. Our approach is holistic and looks at all of the factors that could be contributing to your current situation in a non-judgemental space. Our aim in our practice is to break down the stigma associated with homelessness in a safe environment.
In case we are unable to help you, we will refer you to somewhere that can.
What to expect from us?
We will…
- Treat you as an individual
- Be flexible
- Be professional
- Ensure confidentiality
- Be sensitive to your culture
- Be responsive to children’s needs
- Offer emotional support
- Respect boundaries and gain an understanding of what is happening for you
Our Team
We have a strong and competent team of case managers and support workers from diverse backgrounds. Our service is skilled and experienced in dealing with complex issues pertaining to homelessness, including domestic violence, mental health, AOD, social isolation, poverty, relationship breakdown and discrimination.
Our team helps individuals and families to identify and meet their goals. The team works closely and effectively with other local and statewide support agencies.