You can help too

There are many ways you can become involved with Molongo Support Services to help those who really need it..

Read about the various opportunities below.

Your donation is a valuable source of income to assist us to pay for things that our mainstream funding doesn’t cover.

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We value the important contribution of volunteers and are committed to encouraging volunteers to work alongside staff for the best outcomes for clients.

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At Molonglo Support Services we believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential to our wellbeing.

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If you would like to parter or work with us, please contact us directly via phone or our website contact form

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Molonglo Support Services

Experienced Team

Molonglo has a strong and competent team of case managers, support workers, specialists domestic violence workers from diverse backgrounds.

We are skilled and experienced in dealing with complex issues around domestic and family violence, homelessness, mental health, alcohol and other drugs, social isolation, poverty, relationship breakdown and discrimination.

Our team identifies people’s needs and develops strength based case management plans or referral supports by setting short and long-term goals with them.

We work closely and effectively with other local support agencies to provide supports that work.


Someone you know needs help?

Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) program

In 2022, Molonglo Support Services successfully tendered for Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) program for the Queanbeyan Palerang region.  Funding is provided by Department of Communities and Justice NSW to assist vulnerable women and children...